A Dictionary Psychology
Vocational Counselling Vocational Counselling is similar to career counselling but focuses more on finding the right occupation or job opportunity for an individual as per their interests and demands in the sector or industry they want to work in. Career Counselling Career Counselling is more of a holistic combination of educational and vocational counselling as it focuses on both students and working professionals and provides them with the right mentorship they need at every step of their academic and professional journey!iterum What Does an Educational Counsellor do? Thinking about a counsellor, an image of a pleasantly talking, well-mannered and highly motivated person pops in our mind. The importance of career guides has grown at such a scale that schools and colleges have set up dedicated counselling cells for students. Moreover, a counsellor in the modern educational system has multiple roles to play. These professionals assist you in making a decision at the most important junction of your career besides helping you realize what you are best at. It is a counsellor who understands your complex emotions and helps you channelize your thoughts in a direction where you are able to make a life-changing decision. Importance of Educational Counselling Educational Counselling has an important role in every student’s life as it helps them make informed decisions at every step of their academic and professional journey. Many of us think that we don’t need any professional guidance in our educational or career quest but the right mentor can actually transform your life. Let’s take a look at the importance of educational counselling for a student and working professional: Career Counselling for Students Finding what you are interested in studying or pursuing as a career Clarifying your academic goals Taking informed steps towards your educational aspirations Create a career plan as per your interests and preferences Finding academic options under your budget Self-Evaluation Become confident about your academic choices Mentor students to achieve their dream education